Books for Children
-Book: Here Comes Heaven- A Kid’s Guide to Supernatural Power, Bill Johnson & Mike Seth,
-Book: What will Become of Clay?, Lois Jacobson
-Booklets by Susan K. Leigh & Dan Carr:
God I Need to Talk to you about (series or individual): (, Amazon) Disrepect…Homework…Feeling sad… Talking back…My bad temper… Hurting others….Paying attention…Bad manners… Bad words… Being a bad sport…Bullying…Cheating…Greed… Laziness…Lying…Sharing…Stealing…Vandalism…Winning
By a Set:
Individually: (then scroll down for more choices)
-Book: The Adventures of Ivy & God (about hearing God), Becky Fischer
- Book: Children, Can You Hear Me?, (about hearing God) Brad Jersak,
-Book: Mommy Why? Collection: Stories that answer your child’s toughest questions, Diane C. Layton
-Mommy, why can’t I watch that TV show?, Dian Layton
-Mommy, why did Jesus have to die?, Dian Layton
-Mommy, why don’t we celebrate Halloween?, Linda Hacon,Winwood
-Mommy, was Santa Claus born on Christmas too?, Barbara Knoll
-Mommy, why are people different colors?, Barbara Knoll
-Mommy, is God as strong as Daddy?, Barbara Knoll
-Mommy, why do we have Easter?, Lou Yohe
-Book: Ooky,pooky, spooky Fear, telling fear to go away, Dian Layton
-Book: Monsters in my Closet – but not for long, Becky Fischer (about night terrors or night visitors-suggestion: adults read first, then receive guidance from the Lord on how to proceed (especially for younger kids -preschool & more fragile children), choosing whether to read with children or let children read or explain principles after your reading etc,
-Book for kids: Hinds Feet on High Places, Hannah Hurnard
Slurping Soup and Other Confusions Paperback, by Tonges, Menezes, Gemmer Emigh: for third culture kids, true stories & activities
-Lesson workbooks for kids by David Walter,
-Fact or Fantasy
-The Armor of God
-Fruit of the Spirit
-Gifts of the Spirit
-Children’s Prayer Manual
-(for tweens/teens) Stomping out the Darkness, Neil T. Anderson & Dave Park, Amazon:,